Supervised by: Ministry of Culture of PRC

Sponsored by:National Library of China
  Library Society of China

ISSN 1001-8867    CN 11-2746/G2

An Empirical Study on the Cueing Effect of the Emotional Post Title in a Virtual Community

Abstract: In a virtual community, the behavior of strengthening the emotion of a post title to draw attention of users is not uncommon, which can affect the overall performance of the information environment. This study focuses on exploring the influence of the emotional information of a post title on the users’ community perceived value in a virtual community. Based on the cue utilization theory, we propose a framework with several hypotheses. Data are collected using the experimental method from the college student sample in our study, and numerous tests are performed to analyze the data and verify the hypotheses. At the end of the study, it is found that the emotional information of the post title reduces the user community perceived financial value and it improves the user community perceived recreational value. The analysis of the mediating role reveals that emotional involvement facilitates the relationship between emotional information of post titles and user community perceived recreational value. This study adds a new dimension by discussing the user community value perception on post title expression and it reveals the conflict of interest between the manager of the virtual community and the producers of the post. Our findings may also provide guidelines and references for virtual community managers. Specifically, they should view the behavior of making post titles more emotional critically,and choose specific information management strategies based on the different value pursuit of community users.

Keywords: virtual community, emotional information, cueing effect, cue utilization theory