【主讲人】谢丽佳(Karen Xie),陈伟,赵慷
【时间】6月22日(星期四) 上午9:30
Topic 1:Big Data Analytics for Sharing Economy Research,谢丽佳(Karen Xie)
Abstract:Big data is receiving continuous and growing attention from researchers and practitioners in academia, industry, and government. It is transforming the source and structure of data and, more importantly, the school of thoughts of business research. In this seminar, the speaker will first discuss emerging technological and methodological innovations of big data analytics, how to transform big data into meaningful and actionable insights, and what are the implications to business scholars. Then she will present a timely collection of new research opportunities in sharing economy through the lens of big data analytics. The seminar will be concluded in a discussion of how sharing economy research would affect the future of the business practice and education.
Topic2:Tax Policy and Equity Investment: Evidence from Equity Crowdfunding,陈伟
Abstract:In this paper, we empirically study whether and how investments in early stage businesses respond to tax incentives, and the subsequent performance of firms that have participated in equity crowdfunding. Our analysis uses the establishment of the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) in the United Kingdom (UK) as a natural experiment, as well as a comprehensive transaction-level dataset from leading online equity crowdfunding platforms in UK. Our results indicate that investors on average increase their equity investment in SEIS-eligible firms on the crowdfunding platforms after the policy launch. We also find that SEIS-eligible firms that are funded after the policy launch are less likely to dissolve. The results will provide important insights to online equity investment platforms, investors, startups, and regulators.
Topic3:On and Off the Social Web—Connecting Online Social Networks to Offline Behaviors,赵慷
Abstract:The social web has revolutionized the way we interact with each other and with the world around us. Despite the increasing value of the cyberspace, what happens in the offline physical world is still very important nowadays. This talk will focus on what we would know about individuals’ offline behaviors by examining their activities in online social networks. I will cover two of my studies related to this topic, including online community participations and health outcomes, and information and behavior diffusions in viral events. I will also introduce another study on research collaborations in academic institutions.
谢丽佳,女,丹佛大学丹尼尔斯商学院Fritz Knoebel酒店管理学院助理教授,拥有天普大学福克斯商学院博士学位,香港理工大学酒店及旅游管理硕士学位,上海复旦大学管理学士学位。其研究兴趣是使用技术和数据分析方法来解决商业问题,其研究主要基于计量经济学方法和大规模、细粒度的业务数据。谢老师一直在积极参与信息系统和酒店社区的研究,曾在JMIS、CHQ、JHTR、IJHM等多个顶级期刊发表过文章,并担任西联CHRIE研究所主任及管理科学MS、信息系统研究ISR、管理信息系统期刊JMIS等顶级商业和酒店期刊的评阅人。