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73日学术讲座:From Zero to One: Using data to understand Success

时间:7月3日(星期一) 下午14:30


主题:From Zero to One: Using data to understand Success

摘要:Everyone experiences difficulty to success and feels that certain groups of people have advantages or better luck to be successful. This talk will look at success from three perspectives: How difficult to leap from 0-1, should we stand on the shoulders of giants, and will persistence help. Using large scale data, this talk shares some findings that are quite different from common-understanding on how to become successfull.

74日学术讲座:Scientific Writing


时间:7月4日(星期二) 下午14:30


主题: Scientific Writing

摘要:This talk will share experience on how to write an engaging scientific article. It will talk about how to select research topics that will be interesting and fun. After that, how do you conduct research and write the articles that can better package your findings in an innovative way to make your audience have an enjoyable reading experience.


丁颖,女,美国印第安纳大学信息学院教授。于新加坡南洋理工大学获得博士学位,曾在奥地利因斯布鲁克大学、荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学任高级研究员。多年来,她参与了多项由美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)、欧洲联盟等机构资助的语义网和本体领域的研究项目,并在VIVO本体建设项目中担任负责人。与语义网创始人之一Jim Hendler教授合作编著了《语义网》系列丛书,参与《Spinning theSemantic Web》、《Towards the Semantic Web:Ontology-driven Knowledge Management》部分章节撰写。先后在著名学术期刊和各类学术会议上发表论文200多篇,被引达4000余次,受到学术界的广泛关注。研究领域包括:网络计量学、语义网、引文分析、信息检索、知识管理和Web技术应用等。个人主页链接:http://info.slis.indiana.edu/~dingying/