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主讲人:Neil R. Smalheiser教授

时间:4月14日 下午15:00


主题:《Literature-Based Discovery: Using the Scientific Literature not simply to look up information but to make new discoveries》

摘要:“Knowledge discovery from databases” (KDD) means mining a dataset (numerical or text) to identify information, trends, patterns and associations. Some information is explicitly stated and merely needs to be retrieved. Other information is implicit and needs to be assembled like a jigsaw puzzle from assertions or evidence found across different documents or datasets. I will discuss two examples of biomedical literature based discovery: a) the identification of new promising hypotheses and research directions, and b) the disambiguation of author names on articles published in PubMed.


Neil R. Smalheiser,男,美国伊利罗伊大学芝加哥分校精神医学系教授。从事神经科学研究30余年,近期研究包括小RNA基因组学、文本挖掘、生物信息学等,提出了多种理论模型,并开发多种应用软件。其研究领域跨度较大,主要从全新的角度围绕不同数据集、方法和科学问题等方面开展。先后在国际顶级期刊和杂志上发表学术论文160余篇,被引7000余次,影响因子704.74,受到同行学者的广泛关注。主要研究兴趣为:神经科学、RNA生物学、医疗信息、文本挖掘。