主讲人:Maarten de Rijke教授
时间:4月20日(星期四) 上午10:00
主题:《Agents that Get the Right Information to the Right People in the Right Way》
摘要:Interaction with information is a fundamental activity of the human condition. Interactions with search systems play an important role in the daily activities of many people, so as to inform their decisions and guide their actions. For many years, the field of IR has accepted ``the provision of relevant documents'' as the goal of its most fundamental algorithms. The focus of the field is shifting towards algorithms that are able to get the right information to the right people in the right way.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is entering a new golden age. How can these advances help information retrieval? That is, how can AI help to develop agents that get the right information to the people in the right way? Making search results as useful as possible may be easy for some search tasks, but in many cases it depends on context, such as a user's background knowledge, age, or location, or their specific search goals. Addressing each optimal combination of search result preferences individually is not feasible. Instead, we need to look for scalable methods that can learn good search results without expensive tuning. In recent years, there has been significant work on developing methods for a range of IR problems that learn directly from natural interactions with their users. In the talk I will sample from these advances and hint at future directions.
Maarten de Rijke,男,荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学教授,领导着信息检索领域著名的Information Language Processing and System(ILPS)实验室。他在信息检索、机器学习、自然语言处理和数据挖掘的顶级会议和期刊上共发表了670余篇文章,其中包括SIGIR(CCF A)、WWW(CCF A)、KDD(CCF A)ICML(CCF A), NIPS (CCF A),ACL (CCF A), WSDM(CCF B), CIKM(CCF B),ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS, CCF A) 和 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE,CCF A)。特别是在专家发现(expert finding),在线学习(online learning), 模态逻辑(modal logic)以及问答系统(community question-answering)领域做出了卓越贡献。根据最新谷歌学术的统计,他目前的论文引用量为18205,h-index为62,在所有信息检索学者中排名第三。Maarten de Rijke教授多次担任信息检索领域各种会议的大会或程序委员会主席,其中包括SIGIR, WWW, WSDM和CIKM。他目前同时担任阿姆斯特丹数据科学中心和荷兰Ad de Jonge智能与安全中心的主任,以及阿姆斯特丹大学人工智能硕士项目的主管。Maarten de Rijke教授目前也是多个信息检索与信息系统领域的顶级期刊的主编,其中包括ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS CCF A)。