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主讲人:Frank van Harmelen教授

讲座内容:The BiggestKnowledge-Base in History有史以来最大的知识库

主讲人简介:欧洲科学院院士、荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学网络学院院长。已出版了在知识表示与推理技术以及语义网方面的著作六本,发表300多篇学术论文,其中一本著作《Semantic Web Primer》被翻译成西班牙语,日语,汉语和韩语等多个国家的语言并被多所大学使用,此书被看作是语义网技术方面的第一本教材书。曾负责过世界上第一个语义网项目On-To-Knowledge并是当今语义网中的OWL(Web Ontology Language)语言创始人之一。作为负责人领导欧盟第七框架项目“The Large Knowledge Collider (LarKC): a platform for large scaleintegrated reasoning and Web-search”(大规模知识对撞机:推理和Web搜索集成平台)。Van Harmelen教授的论文广泛被同行应用。根据Scholarmeter的数据,van Harmelen教授的H指数高达62,总引用数达26000。他同时被Microsoft Academic Search列为近10年来最被引用的前100名计算机科学家之一。

讲座内容摘要:Knowledge-bases have always played acrucial role in the quest for intelligent machines. Aand although they havebeen successfully used in diverse areas such as medical diagnosis, industrialdesign and legal reasoning, they were always rather small, and limited to aspecific domain.


Inthe past 15 years, the field of knowledge representation has seen a majorbreakthrough, resulting in distributed knowledge-bases containing billions ofexpressions about hundreds of millions of objects, ranging from medicine toscience, from politics to entertainment and from specialist to encyclopaedic.These massive knowledge bases are hosted on a web of thousands of differentservers across the world and are used (among others) by Google and Yahoo (todeliver better search results), by Sears and Kmart (to make their productsfindable online), by the BBC and the New York Times (to manage and enhancetheir publishing content) and by government bodies from the UK, the US and theEU (to publish information to the general public).

在过去的十五年里,知识表示领域已经取得重大的突破,已经产生了包含数百亿的描述以及数亿实体的分布式知识库,内容涵盖从医学到自然科学,从政治学到娱乐,从专业知识到百科知识等广泛领域。这些庞大的知识库置身于遍布全球数以千计的网络服务器上面,已经被谷歌,雅虎(用于提供搜索结 果),Sears和Kmart(用于在线制造产品),BBC和纽约时报(用于管理和增强新闻内容),英国,美国,和欧盟等政府(用于向普通公众发表信息)所使用。

What was the secret behind thisbreakthrough, and what will be the future implications of these very largescale knowledge bases? And also: what are the new research questions we can nowask? What is the structure of these very large knowledge bases? How can we usethem most effectively, and what will be their future?
