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报告人:芬兰Aalto大学Jani Merikivi博士

报告题目:Binge watching behavior: A system usageperspective


The aim is tointroduce you to streaming TV shows online, and especially to binge viewingbehavior. Binge viewing, which is defined as devouring multipleepisodes of a certain television shows, has grown rapidly since Netflix, anAmerican-based online streaming service, began to premier TV shows in bulks.Their subscription base kept on increasing steadily since the service grantedtheir users an unlimited access to their catalog of TV shows. Such a highdegree of autonomy is likely to make system usage occur at irregular intervals.This is because users are able to better fit their viewing around their life.To put system usage construct in this context, we follow the work ofBurton-Jones and Straub (2006) and propose a fitting conceptualization. Theconceptualization is expected to add to system usage research and facilitatefuture research in the online streaming domain.


Jani Merikivi is a postdoc at Aalto University, Finland. Currently, he is a visiting scholar atHuazhong Normal University, China. He holds a PhD in information systems fromUniversity of Turku (School of Economics). His research interests cover onlineconsumer technology and services, such as virtual worlds and online television.Jani has publications in International Journal of InformationManagement, Information & Management, New Media & Society and Computersin Human Behavior. Prior to his academic career, he has worked in thesoftware industry.