日程安排(Seminar Agenda):
| Time
| Content
| Note
June. 24th
| Registration
June. 25th
| 08:30-09:00
| 开班仪式
| 09:00-09:30
| 视像准备
| 09:30-10:30
| 1. Chaomei Chen (陈超美), Drexel University
Topic: Data-driven discovery: Citespace
| 远程
| 10:30-11:30
| 2. Erjia Yan (晏尔伽), Drexel University
Topic: PageRank-Related Methods for Analyzing Citation Networks
| 远程
| 11:30-12:00
| Free Dialogue 1
| 12:00-13:30
| Lunch
| 13:30-14:00
| Rest
| 14:00-15:30
| 3. Ying Ding (丁颖), Indiana University
Topic: Measuring scholarly impact and beyond
| 现场
| 15:30-16:00
| Tea Time
| 16:00-17:00
| 4. Min Song,Yonsei UniversityKorea
Topic: Topic Modeling: Measuring Scholarly Impact Using a Topical Lens
| 远程
| 17:00-17:40
| Panel Discussion 1
| 18:00-20:00
| Supper
June. 26th
| 08:30-09:30
| 5.Mike Ginda,IndianaUniversity
Topic: Replicable Science of Science Studies (SCI2toolset)
| 远程
| 09:30-10:00
| 10:00-11:30
| 6. Robert K. Abercrombie,Oak RidgeNationalLaboratory,USA
Topic: Systems Life Cycle and Its Relation with Triple Helix
| 现场
| 11:30-12:00
| Free Dialogue 2
| 12:00-13:30
| Lunch
| 13:30-14:00
| Rest
| 14:00-15:30
| 7.Kyle Stirling,IndianaUniversity
Topic1: Data Science: Challenges and Opportunities
Topic2: Unlock, Discover, and Achieve The Very Best Version of You!
| 现场
| 15:30-16:00
| Tea Time
| 16:00-17:00
| 8. Nick Deschacht, KU LeuvenBelgium
Topic: Limited Dependent Variable Models and Probabilistic Prediction in Informatics
| 远程
| 17:00-17:40
| Panel Discussion 2
| 18:00-20:00
| Supper