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The 3rd (2010) International Conference on Publishing Industry and Publishing Education in the Digit


The 3rd (2010) International Conference on Publishing Industry and Publishing Education in the Digital Era

Wuhan, China

Oct.19-20, 2010

With the pervasive application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the global publishing industry has been undergoing an unprecedented transformation. The emergence of the Internet, cell phones and eBook readers as new media has facilitated the transition of the traditional industry as well as impelled the development of new type of digital publishing. In 2009, China’s digital publishing sector generated more than 75 billion RMB in revenues, an annual figure of 42% higher than in 2008. While in the U.S.A. Amazon e-book sales overtook print for the first time on Christmas Day of 2009. The industry is confronted with both challenge and opportunities now. So how to transform traditional publishing houses into digital content providers and how to foster enough talents to assume diverse new jobs, which become hot topics for the whole publishing community to discuss. The 3rd(2010) International Conference on Publishing Industry and Publishing Education in the Digital Era is jointly sponsored by Wuhan University (PRC), Pace University (USA) and GAPP (General Administration of Press and Publication of the P.R. China). The aim of the Conference is to bring together practitioners, researchers and educators worldwide in publishing profession to reflect on all those contemporary issues.


The 3rd(2010) International Conference on Publishing Industry and Publishing Education in the Digital Era calls for full papers on the following topics:

1. Publishing industry in the digital era

2. Publishing houses in the digital era

3. Different types of digital publications (eBooks, mobile novels, digital magazines, etc.)

4. Digital copyrights

5. Open Access Publishing

6. Content Management System (CMS)/Digital Assets Management(DAM)

7. Pricing of digital publications

8. Distribution of Digital publications

9. Publishing Study in the digital era

10. Technologies applied in publishing education in the digital era

11. Publishing higher education in the digital era

12. Comparative study on publishing education in China and abroad


1. Paper submissions must not be published, accepted for publication, or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

2. The manuscript should include: ①title; ②names of authors; ③affiliation, address, zip code; ④abstract (100 words or so); ⑤3-5 key words; ⑥text; ⑦reference; ⑧the biographies of authors (name, affiliation, job title and research fields).

Note: For papers written in Chinese, please offer an English version of above-mentioned ①~⑤items as well; for papers written in English, please offer an Chinese version of above-mentioned ①~⑤ items as well.

3. Prospective papers are limited to 8 A4 pages in English or 5 A4 pages in Chinese.

4. Both e-mail and regular postal delivery are designated methods of submissions. The manuscript should be formatted in MS Word and attached with the email topublish2010@126.com; or the hard copy of the manuscript should be mailed to: Dr. Wang Xiaoguang, School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Hubei Province, P.R. China, 430072.

5. All submissions should reach the contact no later than June 30, 2010.

Other information

1. All accepted and presented papers will be included in the 2010 Conference Proceedings. Selected best and outstanding papers will be considered for possible publication in thePublishing Journal(CSSCI indexed) after further revision

2. Registration desk opens at the lobby of Luojia Villa (inside Wuhan University), Wuhan, China in Oct.18, 2010.

3. The full registration fee is 800 RMB (the accommodation and food expenses are not included). Student Registration of 400 RMB is available for registered full-time students. The name and contact email of students’ supervisors who can confirm the student status must be entered onto the registration form along with the affiliated school.

4. For more information, please contact Ms. Yang Dandan at 86-27-68753799.