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世界拔尖图书情报学联盟iSchool将于2010年2月3-6日在美国伊利诺伊大学香宾分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)召开iConference。 会议主题为iMPACTS。同时将举办博士学术讨论会(Doctoral Colloquium)。出席学术讨论会的研究生要求提交论文,论文提交截止期为2009年11月18日。


围绕iConference主题, 论文选题如下:

  • IT infrastructure development and sustainability in the home, organizations, communities, society;

  • Diversity in the iSociety: inclusion of underrepresented groups―women, youth, the aging, people with disabilities, indigenous communities, racial and ethnic minorities, etc.;

  • Information behavior: theoretical, empirical and methodological advances in everyday life settings, eScience and eResearch, information literacy, etc.;

  • Information management: life cycle, personal information management, digital asset management, technologies of remembering and forgetting;

  • Digital libraries: preserving digital information, information quality, security and privacy;

  • Information organization: metadata, ontologies, the Semantic Web, social tagging; and/or

  • eGovernment: information policy, economics, ethics, law, technologies of privacy and trust;

  • Critical reflection on the impacts of the iSchool movement (research, teaching, profession, industry and service) within and outside of our community.

更多信息, 请登陆会议网址:http://www.ischools.org/iConference10/2010index/

