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  • 所  在  系:大数据安全与保密系
  • 邮       箱:dtclee1222@whu.edu.cn
  • 办公地址:
  • 主       页:https://dtclee1222.github.io/


李段腾川,武汉大学信息管理学院特聘副研究员,博士毕业于武汉大学计算机学院。在国内外重要学术期刊和会议发表学术论文40余篇,其中包括中科院SCI 1区/计算机学会A类期刊和会议论文20余篇,担任 IEEE TCSS、ACM TOIS、ACM TKDD、IEEE TKDE、IEEE TNNLS、IP&M、KBS、EAAI、以及Pattern Recognition等国际期刊同行评审专家。





[1] F. Shi, D. Li*, et al., "TGformer: A Graph Transformer Framework for Knowledge Graph Embedding," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 526-541, 2025. (CCF A)

[2] D. Li, et al., “Homogeneous graph neural networks for third-party library recommendation,” Information Processing & Management, Volume 61, Issue 6, 2024, 103831. (SCI 1Top, CCF B)

[3] Y. Liu, D. Li*, et al., “Are LLMs good at structured outputs? A benchmark for evaluating structured output capabilities in LLMs,” Information Processing & Management, Volume 61, Issue 5, 2024, 103809. (SCI 1Top, CCF B)

[4] F. Shi, P. Qing, D. Yang, N. Wang, Y. Lei, H. Lu, X. Lin, D. Li., “Prompt Space Optimizing Few-shot Reasoning Success with Large Language Models,” NAACL Findings 2024. (CCF B)

[5] D Li, et al., “Multi-perspective knowledge graph completion with global and interaction features,” Information Sciences, Volume 666, 2024, 120438. (SCI 1Top, CCF B)

[6] K. Lin, D Li, et al., “FHCPL: An Intelligent Fixed-Horizon Constrained Policy Learning System for Risk-Sensitive Industrial Scenario,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 5794-5804, 2024. (SCI 1Top, CCF C)

[7] K. Lin, Y. Li, S. Chen, D. Li and X. Wu, "Motion Planner With Fixed-Horizon Constrained Reinforcement Learning for Complex Autonomous Driving Scenarios," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1577-1588, 2024. (SCI 1)

[8] K. Lin, D. Li, et al., "TAG: Teacher-Advice Mechanism With Gaussian Process for Reinforcement Learning," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 35, no. 9, pp. 12419-12433, 2024. (SCI 1Top, CCF B)

[9] D. Li, et al., “SDFormer: A shallow-to-deep feature interaction for knowledge graph embedding,” Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 284, 2024, 111253. (SCI 1Top, CCF C)

[10] D. Li, et al., “Joint inter-word and inter-sentence multi-relation modeling for summary-based recommender system,” Information Processing & Management, Volume 61, Issue 3, 2024, 103631. (SCI 1Top, CCF B)

[11] Y. Liu, D. Li*, et al., “MDLR: A Multi-Task Disentangled Learning Representations for unsupervised time series domain adaptation,” Information Processing & Management, Volume 61, Issue 3, 2024, 103638. (SCI 1Top, CCF B)

[12] B. Liu#, D. Li#, et al., “Integrating user short-term intentions and long-term preferences in heterogeneous hypergraph networks for sequential recommendation,” Information Processing & Management, Volume 61, Issue 3, 2024, 103680. (SCI 1Top, CCF B)

[13] K. Lin, Y. Li, Q. Liu, D. Li, et al., “Almost surely safe exploration and exploitation for deep reinforcement learning with state safety estimation,” Information Sciences, Volume 662, 2024, 120261. (SCI 1Top, CCF B)

[14] W. Zhao, S. Wang, X. Wang, D. Li*, et al., “DADL: Double Asymmetric Distribution Learning for head pose estimation in wisdom museum,” Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, Volume 36, Issue 1, 2024, 101869. (SCI 2)

[15] Z. Li, Q. Zhang, F. Zhu, D. Li*, et al, “Knowledge graph representation learning with simplifying hierarchical feature propagation,” Information Processing & Management, 60: 103348, 2023. (SCI 1Top, CCF B)

[16] J. Wang, Q. Zhang, F. Shi, D. Li*, et al, “Knowledge graph embedding model with attention-based high-low level features interaction convolutional network,” Information Processing & Management, 27: 103350, 2023. (SCI 1Top, CCF B)

[17] H. Liu, S. Fang, Z. Zhang, D. Li, et al. “MFDNet: Collaborative Poses Perception and Matrix Fisher Distribution for Head Pose Estimation” IEEE Transactions Multimedia, 24: 2449-2460, 2022. (SCI 1Top, CCF B)

[18] H Liu, C Zheng, D Li*, et al., "EDMF: Efficient Deep Matrix Factorization With Review Feature Learning for Industrial Recommender System," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 4361-4371, 2022. (SCI 1Top, CCF C)

[19] H. Liu, C. Zheng, D. Li, et al. “Multi-perspective social recommendation method with graph representation learning,” Neurocomputing, 468: 469-481, 2022. (SCI 2Top, CCF C)

[20] H. Liu, D. Li*, et al. “Precise head pose estimation on HPD5A database for attention recognition based on convolutional neural network in human-computer interaction,” Infrared Physics & Technology,116, 10374, 2021. (SCI 2)

[21] F. Wu, D. Li*, et al. “Efficient Nodes Representation Learning with Residual Feature Propagation,” PAKDD (2) 2021: 156-167. (CCF C)

[22] D. Li, et al., “CARM: Confidence-aware recommender model via review representation learning and historical rating behavior in the online platforms,” Neurocomputing, 455: 283-296, 2021. (SCI 2Top, CCF C)


[1] 面向不确定性需求的认知服务构造与演化机理,国家自然科学基金重点项目,No. 62032016,参与

[2] 多模态数据驱动的自闭症儿童“动作-情感”识别与体感互动游戏干预研究,国家自然科学基金,No. 62307034,参与

[3] 任务元驱动的自我调节学习服务理论及关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金,No. 62077020,参与

[4] 医学教育知识图谱构建与服务关键技术研究与应用,湖北省重点研发计划项目,No. 2021BAA031,参与

[5] 医工交叉白血病智能药物筛选平台的建立,湖北省重点研发计划项目,No. 2023BCB025,参与

人才项目 邮箱 dtclee1222@whu.edu.cn
办公地址 所在系 大数据安全与保密系
职称 特聘副研究员 主页 https://dtclee1222.github.io/
学校 国籍