Name |
Shengli Deng |
Academic / job titles |
Professor |
Contact Information |
School of Information Management Wuhan University |
Room No |
509 School of Information Management Building |
•User information behavior
•Social networks
•digital information resource management
•Information service
•Internet User Information Behavior
•Information Resource Management
•Organizational Behavior
Journal Papers (International)
•Deng, S., Liu, Y., Li, H., &Hu, F.(2013).How Does Personality Matter? An Investigation of the Impact of Extraversion on Individuals' SNS Use. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.16,8.
•Deng, S., Liu, Y., & Qi,Y.(2011). An empirical study on determinants of web based question-answer services adoption. Online Information Review.35,5.
•Deng, S., Yang, L., &Zhang, Y.(2014).Social Q&As or Library Virtual Reference Service: What is Behind the Choices of Chinese Information Seekers. International Journal of Libraries and Information Services (LIBRI),64,4.
•Zhang, Y., &Deng, S. (2014). Social Q&A versus Library Virtual Reference: Evaluation and Comparison from the Users’ Perspective, Information Research, 19.4.
•Deng, S., &Zhang, Y. (2015).Social Questions & Answers (SQA) users’ perception of library reference services: a content analysis. The Electronic Library,33,3.
•Deng, S., Fang, Y., Liu, Y.,& Li, H. Understanding the Factors Influencing User Experience in Social Q&A. Information Research(Accepted)
•Zhao, Y., Deng, S., & Zhou, R. Understanding Mobile Library Apps Continuance Usage in China: A Theoretical Framework and Empirical Study. International Journal of Libraries and Information Services (LIBRI) (Accepted)
•Hu, C., Hu, J., Deng, S., &Liu, Y. (2013). A co-word analysis of library and information science in China. Scientometrics,97,2.
Journal Papers (Domestic)
•Deng Shengli and Ling Fei,2014." LIS Education Reform Based on Intelligence Analysis in the Big Data Era", Journal of Information Resources Management, 4(3),pp. 88-94.
•Deng Shengli and Zhou Ting, 2014."Research on the User’s Interaction Intention in Social Network Sites", Information Science,32,4,pp.72-74,86.
•Deng Shengli and Li Qian,2014."Status Quo and Trend of Information Behavior Research: Review of ISIC 2012 Conference Papers",Information and Documentation Services,2,pp.5-9.
•Deng Shengli and Yang Lina,2014." Progress of Research on the Influence of Personality Traits on the User Information Behavior", Information Studies:Theory & Application,37,5,pp.119-123.
•Deng Shengli and Ling Fei,2014."The Contribution of Digital Information Service to Sustainable Environment Development", Journal of Academic Libraries,5,pp.5-11.
•Deng Shengli, Yang Lina and Liu Yong,2013."An Empirical Investigation of E-Loyalty in Social Environment", Journal of The China Society for Scientific and Technical Information,32,11,pp.1213-1221.
•Deng Shengli and Zhou Ting,2013."Progress of the Research on Cyber Community Users' Knowledge Contribution", Information and Documentation Services,3,pp.35-39.
•Deng Shengli, 2012."Study of the Development of Information Aggregation Service", Information and Documentation Services, 1,pp.79-83.
•Deng Shengli and Bao Wei,2012. "An Empirical Study of the Factors Affecting User Interactive Learning Behavior in Social Websites", Information Studies:Theory & Application, 35,3,pp.57-61.
•Deng Shengli and Zhou Ting,2012. "Research on Information Service and Information Guarantee oriented to Strategic Emerging Industries", Information Studies:Theory & Application,35,7,pp.6-13.
•Deng Shengli, Zhou Ting and Min Zhang, 2012."Factors influencing knowledge contribution: An empirical investigation of social networking website users", Chinese Journal of Library and Information, 5, 4, pp.37-50.
•Deng Shengli and Feng Lifei,2011."The Analysis of Network User's Community Dynamics Under Web2.0 Environment",Document,Information & Knowledge, 2,pp.78-82,123
•Deng Shengli , Bao Wei and Xiao Bei,2011."Study On the User Interactive Learning Based on SNS",Information and Documentation Services, 2,pp.31-35.
•Deng Shengli and Zhou Ting, 2011."Analysis of the Vertical Social Networking sites from the Angle of Long Tail", Journal of Information Resources Management,3,pp.48-52
•Deng Shengli and Hu Jiming,2010. "Review on Online Community Theory in Web2.0 Environment",Journal of Library Science in China,136,5,pp.90-95.
•Deng Shengli and Hu Jiming,2010. "Research on Knowledge Innovation Based on Group Interaction Learning in the Web2.0 Environment",Information Studies:Theory & Application,33,2, pp.17-20.
•Deng Shengli, Zhang Liyi, Li Wei,2010."The Constructing of Information Service and Guarantee System in the Context of Innovative Country (6)——The Construction of National Information Guarantee System Under Innovation Development Guidance",Library and Information Service,54,6,pp.27-30,74.
•Deng Shengli, Zhang Min, 2009. "Construction of Interactive Information Service Model Based on User Experience",Journal of Library Science in China,35,1,pp.65-70.
•Deng Shengli, 2009. "Research on the System Transition and the Organization of Public Information Service",Information Studies:Theory & Application,32,10,pp.17-20.
•Deng Shengli and Sun Gaolin, 2009. "The Study on User Information Demand transformation Model Oriented to Recommendation Service",Information Studies:Theory & Application,32, 6,pp.14-17,50.
•Deng Shengli,2009. "The Comparison and Strategy of Interactive Question-and-Answer Platform",Information Studies:Theory & Application,32,3,pp.50-55.
•Deng Shengli, 2009."The Research Progress and Characteristics of Interactive Question-and-Answer Platform Home and Abroad",Information and Documentation Services, 3,pp.34-38.
•Deng Shengli and Hu Changping, 2009. "Development Localization and System Restructuring of Knowledge Information Service in the Construction of Innovative Country",Document,Information & Knowledge, 2,pp.17-21.
•Deng Shengli,2009."Analysis of the Component Element and the Orientation of Interactive Information Service",Information Studies:Theory & Application,32,1,pp.18-21,13.
•Deng Shengli, 2008."The Analysis of Cognition Factor and Strategy of Interactive Information Services",Library and Information Service,52,11, pp.53-56.
•Deng Shengli and Luo Xianchun,2008."Strategic Analysis of Information Resources Integration Based on Multi-Network Cooperation",Information Science,26,2,pp.284-285
•Deng Shengli and Zhang Min. "Analysis on Environment and Influence Factor of Interactive Information Services",Information Science,26,3, pp.443-447.
•Deng Shengli,2008."The Analysis of User Experience on Interactive Information Service",Library Tribune,28,2, pp.88-91.
•Deng Shengli and Zhang Min, 2008."User Experience: A New Perspective for Research on Information Service",Library and Information,4,pp.18-23
•Deng Shengli, 2008. "The Advancement of the Study on Interaction in Information sevice",Library and Information,5,pp.55-58
•Deng Shengli, 2008."The Advancement of the Study on Foreign User Experience",Library and Information Service, 53,3,pp.43-45.
•Deng Shengli, Hu Changping and Zhang Yufeng, 2007. "Study on Strategies for Intelligent Collection of Enterprise Competitive Intelligence",Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 4, pp. 620-626.
•HuLingyan and LiYanping, 2009. “Construction of Statistical System of HRST in Global Context”, Science and Technology Progress and Policy, 26, 16, pp.136-141.
Conference Papers (International)
•Yang, R., Meyskens, M., Zheng, C., Hu, L.,“Determinants of Commercial vs. Social Entrepreneurial Intentions in Two Cultural Contexts: Is There a Difference?”, IACMR, Beijing, June 18-22, 2014.
•Deng , S.,"Influence of Information Technology on Information Resource Management Education", International Conference on Engineering, Wuhan, December 12-14,2008.
•Deng, S., Ling, F.,Yang, Y., "Study on the Information Service of Innovative Sci-Tech Resource under the Big Data Background", COINFO,Wuhan,October 10-12, 2013.
•Zhang, Y., Deng, S., "Social Q&A vs. Library Virtual Reference: User Choices and Comparisons", The 2013 ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Montreal, November 1-5, 2013.
•Zhang, Y., Deng, S.,Yang,L.," A Tale of Social Q&As in the United States and China",The 2014 ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Seattle, October 31-November 5, 2014.
•Liu, Y.; Kostakos, V.; Deng, S. , "Risks of using NFC mobile payment: Investigating the moderating effect of demographic attributes", In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Turku, Finland, August 13–15 2013.
•The Chapter of “International Human Resource Management” in the textbook “Human Resource Management”edited by Li Yanping.
•Deng, S.(2014). Internet User's Information Interaction Behavior under a New Generation of Internet Environment. Beijing: China Social Science Press.
•Deng, S.(2008). Interactive Information Service Based on User Experience. WuHan : WuHan University Press.
•Hu, C.,& Deng,S.(2012) . Digital Information Service. Wuhan : Wuhan University Press.
•Hu, C., Deng,S., Zhang, M., Zhao, Y.,&Zhao,X.(2008). Foundation of Information Resource Management. Wuhan : Wuhan University Press.
•Hu, C.,& Deng,S.(2007) . Networked Enterprise Management. Wuhan : Wuhan University Press.
•Hu, C.,Hu, J.,& Deng,S.(2013) . Research on Information Service and Guarantee of Innovation-Oriented Country. Beijing: Learning Press.
Government-funded grants
•Research on information interaction of Internet user in the new generation Network Environment, the National Funds of Social Science, PR China (No. 10CTQ010),2010.
•Research on knowledge contribution behavior and service optimization based on social question and answer, the National Funds of Social Science, PR China (No. 14BTQ044),2014.
•Wuhan University Academic Development Plan for Scholars after 1970s (‘‘Research on Internet User Behavior’’),2012.
•Research on interactive information service based on Web2.0,the National Social Science Foundation Youth Project of China, (No.08JC870009)2008.
Corporate-funded grants
•E-commerce website optimization and strategy consultation for small and medium sized enterprises,2008
•Award in the 3rd Teaching Competition at Economics and Management School of Wuhan University, 2010;
•Award in Hubei Province Science and Technology Progress Award,2010;
•Award in Hubei social science excellent achievement prize, 2010;
•Award in Hubei social science excellent achievement prize,2010;
•Award in Wei Dihua Scholarship,2007;
•Award in Baosteel Scholarship,2006
•01/2013-01/2014 Visiting scholar in Kent State University, USA