Dr. Jin Nie is an associate professor at School of Information Management in Wuhan University. She completed her PhD of Information and Resource Management at Wuhan University. She has published about 50 papers, books and text books in the field of Information, network finance, E-commerce technology application and adoption, Small and medium sized enterprises development, etc. Her recent research focused on the blocked-chain based technology application, adoption and E-commerce security and legal issues.
1. Research on the influential factors of block-chain based traceable products purchase intention; IAEAC 2019; IEEE conference publication;
2. The factors influence the intention use of mobile payment in Thailand E-commerce; ICISCE 2018; IEEE conference publication;
3. The study of online financial information service quality evaluation: A perspective of vertical financial websites in China; ITOEC 2018; IEEE conference publication;
4. A study of micro-blog marketing strategies for Chinese SMEs 2013, IEEE conference publication;
5. The analysis of platform as a service for SMEs’ information construction in China, 2013, IEEE conference publication;
6. Net information sharing and innovation of E-commerce enterprises product and service, 2011 IEEE conference publication;
7. RFID and E-commerce privacy protection 2009 IEEE publication;
8. A study of information technology adoption for small and medium sized enterprises strategic competitiveness, 2007 IEEE publication;
9. Network security risks in online banking, 2005 IEEE publication;
Chinese Publication:
1. The analysis of E-commerce platform operators network security
protection liability 《E-commerce》2019.9
2. The factors affecting small business implementing third party mobile
payment intention 《Modern Business》2019.12
3. The research on network information service quality evaluation: A
perspective on vertical banking system 《Book, Information and Knowledge》 2014. 6
4. The study of P2P online loan evaluation analysis 《 the study of library
5. Mobile banking information security and protection strategies 《The Journal of Wuhan University》 2008.3
Book and textbook:
《The factors affecting Chinese small and medium sized enterprises
information technology adoption》 Science Press, 2010
《E-commerce Law 》 Wuhan University Press 2011
Courses Instructed:
Network finance and service, The Principals of Economics,
E-commerce Law, International Trade, International Business,etc.