Title: Contemporary Social Science Research in Information Systems
Speaker: Professor Xin Luo
Time: 9:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00, June 18 and June 19, 2019
Venue: Conference Room 206, School of Information Management
Host: Professor Jiang Wu
Course Description:
This course is designed for graduate students (senior masters and doctors) who are interested in learning how to conduct social sciences, especially in information systems. In this course, students will be exposed to the basic nature of empirical research, data collection, data analysis, research ethics and other issues. The speaker will conduct research from a behavioral perspective to complement and enrich the student's research portfolio. Students will learn how to analyze research backgrounds, present effective and valuable research questions, how to apply theory correctly to develop hypotheses, and how to use the right analytical tools to test research models.
Course Agenda:
Session 1: course introduction & overview; introduction to scientific research
Session 2: theories; scientific research forms; the cycle of research; method
Session 3: constructs; variables; propositions; hypotheses; theory; model
Session 4: research process; paradigms of social research; literature review
Session 5: from literature review to research questions; identify theory
Session 6: common mistakes in research; theory building; research design
Session 7: key attributes of design; validity & reliability test
Session 8: data collection & analysis; research ethics; how to publish articles
About Professor Xin Luo
Dr. Xin "Robert" Luo is an Endowed Regent's Professor and tenured Full Professor of Management Information Systems and Information Assurance in Robert O. Anderson School of Management at The University of New Mexico (UNM) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. In Anderson school, he also has served as the Associate Director at the Center for Information Assurance Research and Education which is nationally recognized for its excellence in information security/assurance teaching and research. At UNM, he has been also awarded Anderson Alumni Professorship, Daniels Fund Business Ethics Fellowship, and Anderson Foundation Fellowship before.
He is now a Co-Editor in Cheif for International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, ad-hoc Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly, Associate Editor for Decision Sciences (April 2015 - now), European Journal of Information Systems (January 2013- now), Electronic Commerce Research (August 2014 - now), Journal of Eletronic Commerce Research (August 2013 - now), and International Conference on Information Systems. He also serves on Nationa Science Foundation's (NSF) expert review panel for information security and privacy research grant proposals. His research or pedagogical grant proposals have been funded by NSF (USA) and NSF (China).
His research interests center around behavioral information systems security, E-commerce/M-commerce, innovative technologies (e.g., cloud computing, green IS, e-healthcare, social network, etc.) for strategic decision-making and development, and cross-cultural IT management. Before joining academia, he had worked as business associate, web project manager, assistant director, and senior web developer in China and USA. His research articles have appeared or will be published in leading MIS journals including
Communications of the ACM
Computers & Security
Decision Support Systems
Decision Sciences
European Journal of Information Systems
Information Systems Journal
Information & Management
Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Journal of Strategic Information Systems
He also has published many book chapters and conference proceedings such as International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), America's Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), IFIP WG 8.11/WG 11.13 Information Systems Security Research Worksohp, Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), Information Resource Management Association (IRMA), Pre-ICIS, Information Security Curriculum Development Conference, ISOneworld, Global Conference on Business and Finance, and International Conference on Electronic Business, etc.
He holds memberships of AIS (Association for Information Systems), DSI (Decision Sciences Institute), ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), and International Chinese Information System Association (ICISA).