From December 4th to 6th, the 26th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries & AP iSchools (ICADL) was held at Monash University in Malaysia. Led by Professor Qing Fang, Dean of the Publishing Institute at Wuhan University, a delegation from Wuhan University attended the conference. The group included Jie Xu, Associate Dean of the Publishing Institute at Wuhan University, and Director of the Publishing Science Department; Associate Professor Han Zheng, Deputy Researcher Liang Zhao, as well as seven postgraduate and doctoral students from the Departments of Publishing Science, Library Science, and Digital Economy and Intelligent Business.

During the conference, Liang Zhao chaired a session titled Scholarly Communications and Bibliometrics. Presentations were given by Jie Xu, doctoral student Zengmin Wang from the Department of Library Science, master student Ming Yang from the Department of Publishing Science, and master student Jiahui Song from the Department of Digital Economy and Intelligent Business within the sub-forum sessions. As commentator, Han Zheng participated in the student workshop. Doctoral student Jing Qian from the Department of Library Science, doctoral student Qian Xiao from the Department of Publishing Science, and master student Hanyu Miao from the Department of Library Science also presented and discussed their work in the student workshop.

At the award ceremony, the article Complex online systems, anxious feelings: The role of health advertising intrusiveness and risk perception on cyberchondria, authored by master student Ming Yang under the supervision of Han Zheng and Jie Xu, was selected as a Finalist of the Best Paper Award, placing second. This achievement highlights the academic influence and research strength of our school in the fields of digital library and information behavior.

The award-winning article Complex online systems, anxious feelings: The role of health advertising intrusiveness and risk perception on cyberchondria closely aligns with the conference theme Sustainability and Empowerment, focusing on the impact of digital environment factors on user psychology. It explores how the complexity of digital systems influences the occurrence and development of cyber anxiety. Specifically, the article employs a quantitative approach, analyzing data from an online survey of 437 participants to propose and validate a moderated mediation model. This model reveals that system complexity and overly intrusive health advertisements not only affect users' perception of health information but may also exacerbate feelings of anxiety, leading to distrust in health information and further promoting the emergence of cyber anxiety. Ming Yang's excellent presentation of the article also sparked interest among attendees, leading to a lively exchange during the Q&A session.

The first ICADL was held in Hong Kong in 1998. In recent years, it has been hosted in multiple countries and regions across the Asia-Pacific area, making it an important conference for digital library. Alongside JCDL and TPDL, ICADL stands as one of the three premier annual conferences, aiming to connect communities in digital library, computer science, and library and information science.
The 26th ICADL conference was co-held with the AP-iSchools (Asia-Pacific iSchools) Annual Conference, further expanding interdisciplinary exchanges and cooperation. This provided an international forum for researchers from the Asia-Pacific region and around the world, promoting in-depth discussions among scholars from diverse backgrounds on cutting-edge issues such as digital library, data management, and information systems.