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School of Information Management,
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Delegation of Our School Participated in iConference 2019 in Washington DC, USA

2019-05-05 17:20:53

iConference 2019 was held in Washington DC, USA from March 31 to April 3. As the top academic feast in international Library and Information, the theme of this year's iConference was “Inform | Include | Inspire”, hosted by the University of Maryland, College Park.

Under the leadership of Dean Fang Qing and Vice Dean Huang Ruhua, a delegation of 25 students and teachers from our school participated in this annual academic conference. Our delegation was the largest team among iSchool league.

There were 2 full research papers, 2 short research papers and 12 posters from our school accepted by iConference 2019. Professor Deng Shengli's poster The Economic Value of Personal Information under the Situation of Information Leakage and Professor Zhou Lihong's poster Leaving No One Behind: Preparing China’s Public Librarians for Providing Multicultural Services to Ethnic Minorities were selected as the 5 best poster candidates. Professor Wu Dan, as the session chair, hosted the session Information Behaviors in Academic Environments. During the conference, Data and Information Management, an English Journal managed by our school, was promoted by our teachers and students.

In particular, during the iDeans Meeting, Professor Jiang Tingting's report of Analyzing where IScholars publish to develop a core journal list for iSchools and Professor Wu Dan's report on Data science program of iSchool league were highly spoken of by attendees. Furthermore, Dean Gobinda Chawdhury, the next iSchool league Chairman, from the University of Northumbria at Newcastle, the Acting Dean Elke Greifeneder, Professor at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Professor John Walsh from Indiana University had repeatedly mentioned the support and participation of our school in their reports.

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   Professor Wu Dan introduces Data science program of iSchool league at the iDeans Meeting.

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Professor Jiang Tingting presents at the iDeans Meeting, the topic of her presentation is Analyzing where IScholars publish to develop a core journal list for iSchools.

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The delegation of 25 students and teachers from our school participate in iConference 2019.


About iConference 2019


Location: College Park Marriott Hotel & Conference Center

Date: March 31-April 3, 2019

Hosts: The University of Maryland, College Park: College of Information Studies

Conference Theme: Inform | Include | Inspire

Total registered participants: 593

Full Research Papers: 44 (acceptance rate 33%)

Short Research Papers: 33

Posters: 92

Workshops: 13

Sessions for Interaction and Engagement: 14

iSchools Partnerships and Practices presentations: 9

Special Panels and iSchool-Related Presentations: 3

Doctoral Colloquium Participants accepted*: 28

Early Career Colloquium Participants accepted*: 21

Undergraduate Symposium Participants accepted*: 42

*not all accepted participants chose to participate

*data information was from the website