The article Exploration of the Effectiveness and Experience of AI-Assisted Academic Reading won the only "Best Long Paper Award" at the 87th Annual Meeting of ASIS&T (Association for Information Science and Technology), which was held from October 25th to 29th. This is the first time that our School, as corresponding author's affiliations of an article, has won this award, and it is also a breakthrough for China’s universities and colleges in recent years.

The article was written by Xiaochuan Zheng, a 2022-grade doctoral student majoring in information science, and directed by Hao Fan, Professor at our School. The article closely follows the annual meeting’s theme “Putting People First: Responsibility, Reciprocity, and Care in Information Research and Practice”, and pays attention to the impact of generative AI on human. Specifically, using qualitative and quantitative methods, this article explores the impact of the use of generative AI-assisted reading tools on academic reading effect and experience for the first time from an empirical perspective, so as to enhance the critical cognition of the public. Xiaochuan Zheng's presentation also aroused the interest of the attendees, and had an exchange with them in the Q&A session.

ASIS&T was founded in 1937, it is one of the most impact international academic organizations in library information science, information technology and information management. ASIS&T has 17 special interest groups, 14 regional chapters and 39 student chapters, with members in more than 50 countries around the world. It publishes journals such as JASIST, and Bulletin of the ASIS&T, and is committed to providing open and rigorous academic exchange opportunities for scholars globally. The 87th ASIS&T Annual Conference accepts 44 long papers, with an acceptance rate of 32%, and 37 short papers, with an acceptance rate of 30%, and about 110 posters.